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GT: Second & Third Grade



The following definition shall guide districts in providing services and opportunities for students identified as gifted and talented in Arkansas: 

Gifted and talented children and youth are those of high potential or ability whose learning characteristics and educational needs require qualitatively differentiated educational experiences and/or services. Possession of these talents and gifts, or the potential for their development, will be evidenced through an interaction of above average intellectual ability, task commitment and /or motivation, and creative ability. 

Whole Group Enrichment

At Fairview Elementary, all second and third grade classes have whole group enrichment lessons at least 30 minutes per week. The GT coordinator designs whole group enrichment lessons emphasizing creativity, problem solving, logic, and critical/reflective thinking. A certified GT specialist and the classroom teacher work together to provide this enrichment. The first stage of identification is through observation during GT whole group enrichment. During this time, the GT specialist and classroom teacher discuss information to be placed on the observation inventory checklist. Additionally, 3rd graders participate in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.


The purpose of identification is to find and serve those students who need special programs to develop their exceptional abilities. Students are referred for the evaluation process. Formal screening begins at the end of the 3rd grade year. The parent or guardian is sent a permission form prior to evaluations. A case study of each child recommended for the gifted program is completed. Data is collected, including creativity assessments and standardized tests. The selection committee is comprised of teachers and administrators. They make impartial decisions based on the data. The process is anonymous. Letters of placement are mailed to parents. Parents must sign permission to place forms before services can be rendered.